Download Sparta La Battaglia Delle Termopili Ita there are such five ancient cities - the realm of scattered, often completely independent of each other cities. (...) At the same time, archaeological excavations give every reason to believe that from one to four thousand people lived in each city. (7) At the same time, in each of these five ancient cities, archaeologists have discovered significant fragments of pottery dating from a period when they were inhabited by more than seven thousand people. .Bourie. Dozent (208). 1991. P. 246.] In Chiusi, archaeologists have found many ceramic vessels and the remains of hearths for cooking. At Arles, just a few miles south of Chiuse, the remains of a fortified fortress have been found that existed at a time when at least three thousand people lived there - the beginning of the 5th century. In Klun, 4 stone wells and two houses were found, where the researchers found pottery and jewelry. At La Chora, excavations are underway on ancient earthen fortifications, on the southern edge of which traces of an amphitheater have been found. This archaeological site is located in the middle of a village surrounded by a basalt wall and is difficult to spot because the city's municipality has banned all excavations in and around the city. In the north of the peninsula, settlements have also been found that arose in the early period, in Klu-ne, not far from the church, located next to the thousand-year-old remnant of a wall erected by the Romans at the end of the 2nd century; at La Chora, at the eastern end of the peninsula, the remains of a stone building, also built by the Romans, were found, and at Cumentae a Roman well was discovered, where everything that can tell about the lifestyle of the inhabitants of the Roman city was found, [273 - A. de Montesquiou. Une histoire d'archeologie vérité (...). P. 91-112.] possibly, as suggested, in this era, when a salt lake in the form of a Roman cross was used 3e8ec1a487
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